Project Scheme

The Project Scheme is one of the two fundamental schemes into which CIHR's Open suite of programs has been reorganized in the Reforms of Open Programs and Peer Review initiative.

Unlike the Foundation Scheme, in which the principle investigator's experience and established record as a leader in the field are the key criteria and the focus is on funding major, multi-year, multi-project research programs, the Project Scheme is designed to support shorter-term projects with more focused objectives. The goals and the relevance of the project and the plan to execute it are more critical in the evaluation of the proposals than the researcher's record (although this remains important in the evaluation).

CIHR provides an overview of the pilots with a schedule of pilots for both the Foundation and Project schemes.

The Project Scheme first live pilot has been announced. The deadline to register is January 18, 2016 (you cannot submit a proposal without registering).

For more information or assistance, contact the Health Research Funding Officer.